
Posts Tagged ‘SaLuSa’

Message from SaLuSa – 3 October 2011

4 October 2011 Leave a comment

Our craft are seen in your skies so frequently now, that Disclosure is hardly necessary where proof of our existence is required. The days of covering up our presence are pointless, and when some of your astronauts are prepared to acknowledge it we wonder what more the sceptics want as proof. However, that does not really cause us any concern, as those in doubt must find their own truth. But you may nevertheless wonder why your authorities still stick their heads in the sand. It is Dear Ones, the prospect of having to answer for all of the lies that have been told, and their ultimate admission that they have their own Space Craft for many years. Furthermore, they do not want you to know that they have not only had contact with the Grays but have worked with them for almost 80 years, a long time of deception whilst allowing “abductions” and cattle mutilations. The “truth” does not stand very well on their shoulders, and there is also a little matter of bases on the Moon and Mars.

For the dark Ones the truth opens Pandora’s box, and not least of all shows where trillions of dollars of your money have been spent on black operations. We could go further, but suffice to say that there will be no hiding place for those who are the guilty of the biggest criminal acts ever perpetrated against their own people. They have so much to answer for that what we have told you is just the tip of the iceberg. We know you will question how it could happen under your very noses with you having little or no knowledge about it. The answer is that the Illuminati have wielded great power and influence, and they have worked towards this time for thousands of years. In spite of all that their days are numbered, and they will reflect on the fact that they have failed at the last hurdle. Your next question will be “why were they not stopped” and that is because it is not anyone else’s place to interfere with the evolution of another species. Yes, we have been allowed to guide you and advance your understanding, but the final choice has been yours as the creators of your own evolution.

Coming up to date, you are experiencing the result of your own desires and intentions where you have given away your authority to others. It is your creation and why you will see it through to the end. As ever, the only exception is where the Higher Beings  who oversee it, act for the Creator and allow intervention. Since the dark Ones should have conceded their power over you some time ago, it has now reached a point where it will be taken away from them. Even the dark Ones have to obey some rules and cannot run riot as they wish. The over-riding factor in this cycle has been the Creator’s decree that it will be completed with Ascension. Therefore, it has been supported by the Galactic Federation and other bodies of Light, with the promise that it would be concluded as intended. There was not going to be a repeat of the last catastrophe when the Atlantean’s destroyed Atlantis some 10,000 years ago.

Your history is another area that requires much correction, as again it bears little resemblance to the truth. Each country has written it according to how they would like it to be remembered. Naturally, they write their annals about the glory of war, and hide their atrocities and crimes against conquered people. Greed and power have accompanied most campaigns, and wars have been deliberately started for that purpose. The whole scenario is one that reflects the actions of those who have lost touch with their godself. That was not unexpected, as once you dropped down into the lower vibrations you forgot who you really were. To err is not considered as much a sin as failing to learn from them.

To ensure that you did not remain trapped in the 3rd. dimension, a plan was conceived that would see a gradual influx of souls that could still rise above such a low vibration. The result has been that for over a hundred years the Light has been re-established on Earth. Now you have powerful grids that encircle it from which you can draw the Light to yourselves. We are pleased to say that having helped supply the impetus for growth over thousands of years, it is gratifying for us to at last see such wonderful results. It means that regardless of what you see in the outer world, everything is going according to plan. Ascension is assured, and before very long the positive proof will be before you. Dramatic times lay ahead, but all point towards the end of the cycle and your opportunity to leave duality in its present form. Wherever you progress to, you will still carry the responsibility for your actions. However, in the higher vibrations of the dimensions you are moving into, you have a level of consciousness that does not carry dark thoughts or allow such actions.

You have all come to Earth to increase your spiritual understanding, and overcome the challenge of the lower vibrations by returning to the Light. If you look at your experiences as all being of value, and remember that you came from the higher dimensions to do so, you cannot and should not really view yourself as  a failure. However, if a soul has been overcome by the lower energies, it is necessary to climb your way back to the higher ones before you can fully return to the Light. Since you have all infinity in which to do so, there is no great cause for concern as you will be helped all of the way back. God is All Love and has never deserted or condemned a single soul, but instead surrounded them in the Love and Light that will lift them up.

You will find that as the souls of Light put themselves in places of authority, the dark Ones will try to block them, but to no avail. This is the time that the changes must commence, and disinformation is already circulating. You should however by now be sufficiently discerning to be able to seek out the truth. If it does not bear the feel of truthfulness then you may conclude that it is false. As always trust your intuition, and if in doubt set it aside until you know one way or the other. You are not easily fooled but sometimes prone to re-act differently to fear laden predictions. We are here to ensure that your passage is as trouble free as possible. There will be casualties, but with Mother Earth needing to proceed with her own cleansing that is unavoidable.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pass on the love and greetings from the Galactic Federation. It will not be long now before we meet some of you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Message from SaLuSa – 28 September 2011

28 September 2011 Leave a comment

There is no doubt that not only time is continuing to speed up, but events important to the necessary changes are also reaching a climax. It bodes well for the immediate period which is highlighted by the Love Wave of 11.11.11. Good news travels faster than ever amongst the Lightworkers, and the network of information continues to expand. It all points to an exciting time ahead and the fulfilment of your expectations. The energy for change is unstoppable and we will ensure that it flows uninterrupted by those who oppose it. We are in regular contact with your leaders and even if some reluctance is shown, they are generally co-operating with us. The world teeters on the brink of collapse, and they realise that only a completely new approach will provide a way out. The dark Ones believed it would be to their advantage and their aims to take over, but we have turned the tables on them to bring about Ascension.

The people have as expected risen up against those who have perpetuated the conditions that have held you in their control. It is sometimes a painful process of change, but unavoidable as you break out of their hold on you. We are preventing the dark Ones from using such occasions to promote situations of violence, and create a false impression of those who demonstrate. We see you as being very restrained, and endeavouring to keep them as peaceful as possible. It is your right to demonstrate, but authorities fear such opposition to them. It is why they try to prevent such news being reported. However, it will not make any difference as the movement for change has progressed beyond their grasp. It is also helped along by great Beings, who are using their influence to ensure that the leaders of these movements are inspired for the right motives. Be assured that there is far more help being given than you would realise.

There is a beautiful Light spreading across the Earth that is linking many groups, that are in turn attracting more people. Where some have been unaware of the confrontation between the dark and the Light, there is a stirring within and many are now awakening. That will be helped forward by the powerful surge of energy that 11.11.11 will bring to you all, including Mother Earth. There is no going back and indeed why would you wish to, when such a wonderful future awaits you that will release you from the cycle of duality. For each soul the future is yours to decide and you will be granted the freedom of choice. Be guided by your intuition and stay with your own understanding of what lies ahead. From being very limited during your lives on Earth, you are suddenly being prepared to become Cosmic Beings. Look at us and see your future in us because that is your true potential. We are Masters, and you also are about to move up to greater levels of consciousness that will return you to your previous status. Many will doubt that they are capable of doing so, but we assure you that it is your destiny.

We ask you to wear the mantle of Light at all times, and be that which you are without waiting for Ascension. Stay calm and peaceful within the midst of uncertainty and change, and you will doing all that can be expected of you at this time. It will not belong now before life will take another turn for the better, and you will know for certain that the final acts are taking place before the curtain falls to end this cycle of duality. Yes, many are experiencing hard times, but you may take heart from knowing that you knew the end-times would be very testing, and that you would come through them.

Worldly events are shaping up to suddenly take a surprising step forward, and it will lift your gloom as much is being set up of which you are unaware. We do not advertise our exact intentions, as there are still those who can interfere with our work. However, once we decide to go ahead we will not tolerate interference and it will be stopped. Our way is not to use violence, but peaceful persuasion and we never use threats. So you can now look forward to a few weeks of anticipation before you all experience 11.11.11, and it will carry a powerful energy with it that will noticeably uplift many, many people. You can view it as the commencement of the new period of Light that will signal the opening of the Pathway to Ascension.

You have come a long way and experienced much to be here at a such a momentous time, and the significance of it all will soon dawn upon you. Look forward to meeting us and your ancestors from the Inner Earth whose presence has been kept back from you, like so much knowledge that reveals the truth of your real selves. The time for concealment of the truth has passed, and in future you will given all information appertaining to your contact with us and the divine plan for you. Armed with the truth, it will dispel any remaining doubts you may have held regarding the future.

As more souls stir from their great sleep, your knowledge will be invaluable as you can give those assurances that will put them on to the Path of Light. Hitherto, it has been difficult to find the truth against the background of false information. Over many centuries you have been overwhelmed by the Church and State that has presided over your education, and placed you in a position where you have been dependent upon them for all knowledge. Now you are sufficiently armed with the truth, to build upon it and break out of the hold they have had upon you. Many of you have an extremely strong intuition, and can measure your beliefs and those of other souls against it to help you decide what is true or false. In truth you have all knowledge within, and are not new to the higher truths that you hold subconsciously. Trust yourself in all situations, but nevertheless always be ready for a greater truth to be revealed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that progress has speeded up, as you have been patient for such a long time. The final battles between the dark and Light are taking place on more than one level, and on the physical side our allies are proving victorious, preventing any last ditch attempt to create chaos. At the higher levels the battle has already been won as the Light surrounds the Earth, and continues to grow very rapidly. All is well Dear Ones, and the sensitive’s amongst you can feel that the oncoming changes are nearing manifestation. We walk with you all in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa to me – You Must Become Like Children Again – 21 September 2011

22 September 2011 Leave a comment

Laura: Good evening SaLuSa, would you kindly give us an update today please?

SaLuSa : Good evening dear friends. We are happy to see you make so much progress so fast. With this pace, you are building up momentum in spreading the light and love. Your feelings are opening up, as your body armour relaxes with the high level of vibrations directed towards you and Mother Earth. You will find yourselves more emotional and sensitive than usually, at times even teary. Once again, do not be alarmed by this. It is important to understand that being a witness to your inner changes is an important part in consciousness growth.

Some of you have very busy life styles, with little or no time to yourselves, no time to enjoy life or to just have fun and make new discoveries. Children are showing you the way dear ones; they are the key to your evolution. You must become like children again. Children live in the here and now, they need to have fun every day and they see every minute of their life as a gift and an adventure. They are open to all possibilities and put no limitations upon themselves. They accept the situation they are in with great love and joy, they are grateful for every minute they spend with their loved ones. Children are very sensitive to animals and to nature also. All is possible for them and fear is not usually part of their vocabulary.

We know that for the most part you are feeling tired of the duality world. You are looking forward for the end game so to speak. We wish to remind you that we too look forward to being acknowledged by you all, and to renew contact with you all dear friends. Do not despair, as events behind the scenes are slowly taking shape for a better world full of love and light. We would encourage those of you tired of waiting for disclosure and Ascension to contribute to spreading love and light vibrations. We remind you that you have chosen this life and that it is a great honour to being actively involved in planetary Ascension. You do have a specific role to play at this time, and if you feel bored or unfulfilled, perhaps this is an indication that you have not achieved your full potential yet dear friends.

You are about to enter a period for your planet where all will be much lighter. You will experience communicating with angels, but also with magical or fairytales like beings linked to Earth’s history. You will link with other dimensions and beings in perfect harmony, peace and love. There will no longer be any kind of pain or misunderstandings resulting from a lack of compassion, limited knowledge and limited consciousness. You will reclaim your divine right among us in love and joy. You will be again the powerful and loving beings you once were. You will experience the limitless possibilities that living in the here and now moment has to offer. This will seem like a welcome homecoming and a blessing when you will be aware of the higher realms again.

At this point in time, we ask you to focus on the high love and peace frequencies. There is still much pain and darkness on Mother Earth dear souls, so we do encourage you to help us counterbalance these dark and painful energies on the parts of your planet being in turmoil, fear and sadness. Keep the people of the war zones in your heart, think of them daily when possible. This may seem like nothing, but the love you are sending them and to Mother Earth will contribute elevating the light levels. Your love will help those in difficult times and they will understand what is needed now thanks to your help. As you know, even though our connection cannot be consciously perceived, it is there nevertheless.

Mother Earth is doing much of her work in order to proceed with her own Ascension. She is ready to shift into the higher dimension now and is continuing with the final stages of her cleansing. We have been active behind the scenes in lessening the consequences of her cleansing for your lives and shall continue to do so. Many of you require energy at the moment, as they are full of fear and doubt regarding the coming events. We keep trying to connect with those of you who are willing to make a telepathic connection with us. We can reach you from a great distance and send our love to the hearts of those in troubles times.

Know however that we do respect your space and only initiate contact with those who desire so and whose vibration are or the highest love and light. Our energies converge and we perceive your love for us. Our hearts and consciousness flow with light in our brief moments of consciousness sharing. This is a very pure, loving and trusting procedure that we are more than happy to proceed with. We feel in our hearts your pure and true intend for an open communication and respond with joy when invited to share a moment in the here and now in your presence.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and encourage you to consider what has been said today. Keep peace and love in your hearts. We are above your heads, although you cannot always see our ships. We are with you when you are embodying the frequencies of love and compassion. We are here to bridge your consciousness to the higher realms. Be peace, be love.

Thank you
Laura Tyco

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Message from SaLuSa – 09 September 2011

9 September 2011 Leave a comment

We would remind you of how powerful you are as individuals, and how you have more influence on what conditions are around you than you might think. That is why we often remind you of the need to be focussed upon all that is positive. In a time when there are may dire predictions going around, you can offset them by concentrating on all that is positive such as the many beneficial changes that are about to manifest. Many of you are beginning to realise that where you place your energy is exactly where it will work to bring about your desires. The problem lies with those who focus on the negative not realising that they are empowering it. It may sound odd to some people, but that is how the Law of Attraction works. It knows not what the outcome will be, but powers whatever it is you have in mind.

When you accept and fully understand your true potential, you will know that you have unlimited powers, and some of you use them without realising it. An example would be self-healing, although some do not understand that by focussing upon the illness you need to tell yourself that you are healed. By affirming that you are ill and telling your body that you are it perpetuates the condition, and this is because the Law of Attraction does not question the reason behind it.

When you consider the larger picture and your coming Ascension, then clearly you focus should be firmly placed in that area. Bypass the negative thoughts being expressed by those who are concerned about their future, and have little or no knowledge of what is occurring at this most important time.  You can in fact help offset the negative thoughts being put around, and where possible help those who are worried by expressing your confidence in the future. The media is gearing up for the anniversary of 9/11 and still does not feel free to discuss the obvious evidence that it was an inside job. They will carry on supporting the “official” verdict that is patently false and contrived to protect t6he real criminals. who will answer for their crimes in the Courts of Justice..

Knowing that justice will always take place, you need have no concern about the outcome of any crimes against Humanity. By doing so will only continue to energise the same fears again, that is clearly to be avoided. We do in fact have too much concern over such issues, as there is so much good news circulating about the wonderful future that awaits you, Events are near to occurring that will immediately attract people’s attention away from the present conditions. They will inject great hope and anticipation of the better times that are about to be brought about. Lightworkers are very important in this respect as they can help others to understand the goal that lies ahead, bringing answers to the problems that have overwhelmed them. It is therefore important that you spread your knowledge far and wide as it will uplift those who hitherto had little or no knowledge about it.

You are in exceptional times that have shown the worst of the dark Ones and the best of the Light energies that are ever increasing and bringing calmness to you. They will be growing more powerful by the day, and 11.11.11 will bring about a great leap forward that many will actually experience.  It will be the commencement of a new period that will bring more changes in your levels of consciousness. It will continue and put you well on the path galactic consciousness. After all, you are great Beings of Light that are re-claiming your rightful place in the Cosmos. Our task is to see that you do so, and we are about to open up the final pathway to Ascension and beyond.

Life largely goes on as before, but people are being inspired to envision the future, which will make the transition much easier. Also many souls that have now grown to maturity are ready to share their advanced knowledge with you. No longer will the dark Ones be able to suppress ideas and inventions that lift up your quality of life. Knowledge was always meant to be shared for the betterment of everyone, and beyond your cycle of duality that is how it is. In the energies of Love and Light it is the most natural thing to do, and helps everyone to share the benefits. Greed and selfishness are peculiar to the lower dimensions where Self is considered before all else. However, that is already changing and many kind and loving souls simply wait the opportunity to serve others.

Many of you will have no doubt noted that we have shown ours our craft often in large numbers where they can be seen by hundreds of people… Sometimes it is just for your viewing, but we still have our own responsibilities to keep your atmosphere clean, and monitor activities on Earth. We are particularly interested I the physical changes and can calculate the outcome quite accurately. That means we can take actions that hold back the more likely repercussions, yet at the same time allow Mother Earth the scope to make the needed changes. These are certainly interesting times to be on Earth, and as you often say, the best is still to come. Set aside your concerns about how the great upliftment will be achieved, as it is well planned and we oversee every aspect of it.

Everything that is happening at this time is in some way connected with the ultimate goal to get you safely to Ascension. Once we can openly speak with you the full detail will be given to you in a worldwide broadcast. We have nothing to hide or hold back from you, and indeed we dearly wish to share this grand adventure with you all. You are One and will come together more quickly when the truth is revealed. The divisions between you have been deliberately placed thereby the Illuminati and their followers, and maintained to exert complete control over you.  That will all change quite rapidly and the barriers are already beginning to break down. Those who are enlightened can see that you are all souls experiencing together, and that colour and religion, or different histories and cultures are of no consequence. You were meant to enjoy the differences as expressions of your many experiences.

I am SaLuSa, and pleased to speak with you about matters that are important to your understanding and future. We of the Galactic Federation send our love you all.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

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Message from SaLuSa – 07 September 2011

8 September 2011 Leave a comment

We see so many of you creating an atmosphere of calm around you, and that is greatly needed in a time of confusion. You have the advantage of knowing that whatever happens or threatens your peace, a satisfactory outcome as promised will manifest. As you approach the final period of chaos, know that it can only go so far before our influence and authority will take over. We are far more active than any previous time, as we direct our allies into their final positions from which they will launch their take-over from the dark Ones. You may not see us in the early encounters, but be assured we will be there with them.

Our powerful position is instrumental in gaining the co-operation of your leaders, particularly as we bring the answers that can overcome the worldwide problems that are so immense they do not have any answers for them. We have the solutions and backing of the Creator and that represents a powerful means of persuasion. Because we come in peace does not mean that we can be ignored, as in the final reckoning we can be quite firm without resorting to any form of intimidation. We shall soon be announced as the Galactic Federation and our role in your Universe will be fully explained.

As you may realise our role is not to interfere with the karma that is being worked out at this time. Many of you have taken on quite a lot in this lifetime, and it is not our place to alter the course of it. With Ascension in sight those of you that have chosen that path, obviously wish to go forward having cleared any karma that is outstanding. Knowing this should enable you to face it with absolute confidence, as if you handle it badly that will most likely create more karma. Please allow others to handle their own problems unless you are asked to give help or advice, and avoid being pulled into them unnecessarily.

We need you as bearers of the Light more than ever as you can add your voice to those who spread fear, not intentionally but through lack of understanding. Even if you are not clear as to the actual timing of events, you know enough to help pacify those who are confused. The main point is that the old systems are inadequate for the new cycle that is about to fully manifest. So major changes are essential to clear the way for the New Age to begin. That will eventually lead to the Golden Age which is beyond your present imagination. We could liken it to the Cavemen trying to comprehend your present lives for the first time. The wonders and beauty are barely touched upon on Earth, and the energies that abound everywhere are exciting and constantly uplifting. By then the your consciousness levels will also have been lifted up to heights that would be termed as Galactic. You are to awaken to the truth and nothing will be held from you, unlike now when so few of you have even glimpsed it.

You are emotional Beings that have moods that change in a flash, and are part of your experiences that you are learning to control. This aspect of your lives has led to so much sorrow and regret, but it is increasing your level of awareness. The answer is to always live in your Light where possible, and if you can maintain it you will find that Love can overcome all problems. When you understand who you really are and the purpose of life, it becomes somewhat easier to cope with the challenges of life. You are in unsettling times but we know that you can be equal to them if you stay calm. The next few months offer the opportunity for long reaching changes to be made, and you need to be alert and ready to live as one leading the way. You have the Light on your side, so there is nothing to fear.

The energies continue to rise up on Earth and it helps to lessen the impact of the physical changes that must of necessity take place. One day you will look back at this period in your lives and marvel at your courage in having taken on duality. Yet you will also be pleased that you did, as it will have increased your consciousness levels by leaps and bounds. Life wherever you go in the Universe, is all about gaining experience, but the fastest way is to be at levels that really challenge you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Message from SaLuSa – 05 September 2011

5 September 2011 Leave a comment

Leaders all over the world are aware of the coming changes, and realise that for the good of the people they must come into being. However, some still believe that they can receive all of the benefits and cling to the old ways that are no longer compatible with the plan for you. Do not worry, as those who feel that they cannot accept what we have to offer, will have to stand down. Those who will come forward to take their place are already known to us for being visionaries, and are aware that they have an important role to play. No longer will you be subject to the corrupt deals with the major corporations, and their power and influence will be greatly moderated. Your faith in politicians will be restored, as you see that the ones entrusted with your future are spiritually motivated and also of the Light.

When poverty and lack are addressed, at a stroke you will see an immediate drop in the criminal acts that arise from such conditions. The “them and us” divide that has brought about two classes of people will disappear. Wealth will be redistributed and no one will be allowed to keep their ill gotten gains. Believe us that we know exactly how wealth has been created, and much has been acquired by manipulation and outright theft. We also know where it is being hidden, and secret accounts will be revealed and confiscated. There is no place in the future for the unfair distribution of wealth, and monies given or collected by governments will have to be totally accounted for at all times.

We have little time left to continue convincing many noted persons in your world that the old ways must change, because they will come about whether people are prepared or not. The idea of a totally new society is readily being accepted by more people than ever. Indeed, you have made it clear that you are unhappy with the old system, that has failed to give you the benefits of your labours and failed to honour your sovereignty. Unlike earlier civilisations you are not going to be destroyed, and talk of great disasters and worldwide catastrophes are not to be your experience. We are able to control such events, and although we must allow Mother Earth to also take part in the cleansing we can limit its effect.

Clearly there is not much longer to wait for the whole process of change to commence. The plan is in place and will quickly bring about those initial changes, they will signal to everyone that the dark Ones have been denied their seats of power and no longer hold sway over you. The resultant joy and happiness will raise your consciousness levels further, and these wonderful energies will release the frustration and anger that has been building up for a very long time. Peace will descend upon Earth and those long established differences between you will be settled. In times of plenty there is no reason to covet your neighbours belongings, and happy and fulfilled people are able to share their love with others and enjoy their new found freedom.

As you approach the end of this year, it may be your conclusion that the many events we have continually spoken of must get underway. That would indeed be true, and rather than many individual ones, there will be a whole succession of them that will be linked. Much has to be prepared in advance for our mass landing, and any likely threat against us will have to be removed. Therefore First Contact will be dependent upon certain factors before we can go ahead. Come it will, and be part of a great celebration of your reunion with us who are after all your true brothers and sisters. You have been in the dark for far too long, and the Light is now clearing away the cobwebs of a system that what was designed to exercise total control over you.

These are the times when your resolve will be sorely tested, and whatever is calculated to distract you from the truth should be ignored. Nothing will stop the Ascension process from finally manifesting at the end of 2012, so hold fast to your beliefs and walk tall in your Light.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

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Message from SaLuSa – 08 August 2011

As you can see, the financial situation in the world is out of control and before much longer; our allies will have to step forward to implement the new policies. It does not take a genius to understand that creating more debt will not solve your problems, and debt forgiveness is the only certain way out. With the general disarray that is happening, people are realizing that a totally new approach is required if you are ever to move on. What is necessary to do done is part of our plans, as the breakdown of your societies has been anticipated and allowed for by us. We wait the right time to instruct our allies to go ahead, knowing that our offer to help you through this period will be accepted. Once we are acknowledged and accepted by the majority, we can then proceed to reveal the mission we have to carry out and prepare you and Mother Earth for Ascension.

Have some compassion for your leaders, as they are working to the old model which is now defunct. They do not have the power or will to tackle the problems in the way we are intending, and obviously it could not work without every countries co-operation. Since you normally believe in the survival of the strongest, you will always have inequality and great differences between the rich and the poor. A measure of how you view others is evident from your response to the serious famine in Somalia, and the urgent needs of the suffering and dying people. We are pleased to note that the public are responding to it, and doing so in times when many of you are under pressure yourselves. For too long you have been under the influence of the dark Ones, who mostly ignore the plight of others and have no compassion or love in their hearts.

You ask why we do not come to your aid now but please remember that all souls presently involved in the suffering, have at a higher level already accepted it as part of their experiences. As we so often point out, in such circumstances our intervention would be seen as interference, and denying them the experience they have undertaken. It does not mean you cannot help, and the reaction of others to their plight is also part of their experience. Try not to judge situations without knowing all of the facts, as you cannot know what is behind decisions that other souls take. Duality by its very nature is testing and bound to place you in difficult situations, and often it is for you to find ways of dealing with it. Be assured your life plan will take you wherever it needs to fulfill it.

Fortunately the less desirable experiences are being countered by the promise of extensive changes that are really underway now except that you are unable to see them. Also with Ascension approaching very quickly you have no need to dwell upon what is happening on Earth now, as the cleansing gets underway and with our coming will be speeded up. One thing is for certain, and that is the Earth will not be largely destroyed as some predict. It will not be hit by a comet or any other missile, and we will deal with any such threat. Yes, there are the inevitable physical changes that have already been taking place for some time now, but we monitor them.

Your part Dear Ones, is as always to keep focused on the future and not be distracted by any attempts to instill fear in you. There is of course fear still around, but that largely comes from a lack of understanding as to what is happening within your Universe. All is in a state of change and in the hands of exceptionally powerful Beings who will ensure that all action is completed In accordance with the Divine Plan. They oversee our activities and we have complete and utter faith in them. We obey their instructions to the letter, and know we are taking the best course of action for all concerned.

If you knew how much interest there was in your Ascension, you would not worry about any developments that might involve you. Each of you is accompanied by a number of Guides or Angelic Beings, and they are with you to protect you and ensure you make Ascension if that is your wish. Some of you are aware of their presence, and all of you can communicate with them and indeed should do so if they are to be fully aware of your needs. Often the only time people call upon them is when they are in danger, and that is perfectly in order and they will “hear” your call. However, remember that they are also there as your spiritual mentors and helpers. They are pleased when you acknowledge their existence and engage in thought contact with them.

In time you will meet your Guides and teachers, as your evolution is ongoing and does not stop with Ascension. However, once ascended your consciousness levels will be such that you will need fewer helpers in attendance. To be fully conscious is something you have to experience to understand the extent of your knowing, as compared to your unawakened state at present. The veil that has kept you this way is falling away, and as you draw more Light to yourself so you increase your degree of awareness. With it also comes the assurance that you can handle your own spiritual development. In fact you never stop learning, and the axiom that the more you know the more you realize how little you know, is quite true.

At present you carry out a lot of reading, attend lectures or watch videos in your learning process. Again in the future you will be able to absorb the knowledge of a book load at the time through new teaching methods, and information can literally be downloaded into your brain. The laborious means you use now will be superseded by various new technologies, including implants. Schooling such as you know it will not be necessary, and you will choose the subjects that you want to follow and are therefore of interest to you. It will be known which subjects you need to develop to follow your ordained path, and time is not wasted on pointless exercises as now. Many of you will join a group consciousness, and that will immediately increase your level of consciousness through the sharing that takes place.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and gratified that we can give you some idea of what the future holds for you. So far you will hopefully see that you have so much to look forward to and absolutely nothing to fear. Indeed, all the changes are to bring you into a peaceful and happy existence.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Message from SaLuSa – 05 August 2011

You are moving from the unreal to the real, as the Earth was molded by you as an environment where you could test your powers of creation. Originally it took many thousands of years to seed it, with all that was likely to be required for your soul experience. Once you arrived you lived in harmony with it and led an idyllic existence, Mother Earth and you were living in the perfection of a planet of absolute beauty unsurpassed anywhere else in the Universe. You have to remember that it was manifested in a higher dimension than what you are in now. However, as many of you are aware, in time you allowed your curiosity and desire to experience through the lower vibrations. Slowly over time you dropped even further into them, and in consequence the conditions around you changed. Eventually you became more physical rather than ethereal, and the Light that you brought with you became subdued. Finally you lost touch with your true self and it became difficult to live by your Light.

Now we can bring you up to the present day, and you have just begun to raise your vibrational levels once more and move back into the Light. Whether or not you could do so was the whole point of your time in duality. Dear Ones, you did not let yourselves down, and there is no blame to be laid upon any of you who touched the depths of darkness, as you learnt much from your experiences. It was foreseen that you would move through all of the lower dimensions, and bear in mind that between lives some of you have moved through the lowest of the low in the astral levels. Your experiences have been completed and you are all on your way up again, and that even applies to those who are seemingly still stuck in the present dimension. You cannot travel through a cycle of duality without evolving further than when you first commenced it.

So why is there so much emphasis upon making sure that you realize your physical Earth was prepared as your home, purely for the duration of the experience you chose to take. It is because it is only a surface impression of where you originally came from in the higher dimensions. Yes, it would have seemed familiar particularly when you first arrived on Earth, because the beauty that you had left behind was reflected back by nature. However, it is all nevertheless an illusion provided holographically for your use and enjoyment. What you have around you now, is an indication of the extent to which you have brought about changes from the original blueprint. Both you and Mother Earth are recovering, and as you do so are rapidly returning to a higher manifestation of your full potential.

Therefore as sad as it seems to be losing that which is so familiar to you, it is but a passing phase in your evolution. We think you will agree and understand that if you want a clean sheet, then all that is of the old times will have to be cleared away. It may seem strange to stay with Mother Earth whilst the cleansing takes place, but as a civilization you are an integral part of her and your help is needed to see her through the process. It is by way of showing your love for Mother Earth, and appreciation for all that she has done for you. You shall continue your travels together through Ascension, and on to the next stage of utter beauty, happiness and contentment. Each time you ascend to another level, the beauty and harmony becomes indescribable and words become inadequate.

Naturally as you move into the higher dimensions you will meet other souls also of the Light, and you will marvel at the seemingly endless existence of intelligent life. The age of believing that the Earth was at the centre of the Universe, and that you were the only evolved Beings in it are well over. As you are beginning to understand, in some ways you are amongst the least advanced life forms. But that is of course changing right now, and it is why you will have a lot to learn from those advanced Beings heading for Earth. We in turn are amongst them and are where you will soon be yourselves. We Are All One, and at the level where we see all life as part of us, and we will do for others as we would do for ourselves. There is great joy and satisfaction in serving, and it all adds to your experience and progress as a Spiritual Being.

Everything is moving so quickly now, and even as we leave our message we see the opportunity for financial change becoming more certain. The hole now is so big you can no longer close it up, and it is impossible to maintain the existing system for much longer. Your leaders and the banking families are aware of it, and realize that their days are rapidly coming to a close. Money is power, and they no longer have the means to sustain their program for world government. So we feel your excitement and belief that your salvation is near, and yet also the despair of those who only register the chaos and breakdown being unaware of your diversion to another path that brings success and victory over the dark Ones. It will take time before it is complete or a fete accompli, but you will be uplifted when you see the signs positive changes.

What we have all wanted to see has taken a long time coming, but we would judge it has been well worth it. It is, was and still is a massive undertaking to shift a whole population onto a new path, while at the same time “moving house” as you might say. Not an easy ride by any means but you have us by your side ensuring it goes as smoothly as possible. Be assured that you will all be in the right place for the end times, and follow your prompting if you feel a strong urge to re-locate yourself. At such times it is quite likely that you will feel a desire to be close to your family, and if so follow it through if you can. Many families will ascend together although it will not apply to everyone, as there must be allowance made for each souls freewill choice. Bear in mind we are referring to groups of different souls, that come together for the purpose of furthering their evolution. There will always be comings and goings within them, and very few souls will stay permanently for life after life. Be pleased for all those contacts you have made whether they were brief or otherwise, as they were intended as part of your experience, and each valuable in their own way.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can assure that we share your excitement, at how near events of world importance are likely to happen.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Message from SaLuSa – 03 August 2011

Let no one take away your belief in the future of which there are various versions. Hold on to the one that resonates with your understanding, and very soon you will find events taking place that will indicate the path that your civilization is to take. Do not nevertheless be too rigid and when you can, accept changes that are in accordance with your understanding and make allowances for them. All will become clear in the not too distant future, and will bring a coming together of people of a like mind. The alternative to Ascension will leave some people in limbo, and is likely to lead to a condition to be avoided that instills fear in their mind. Whatever way you perceive the end times, it is important to have a goal to work towards. The unavoidable conclusion at present is that your civilization is breaking apart, and your leaders cannot see or desire to contemplate the major changes that are needed to put things right. Some politicians are to be applauded for their insight, but they are too few to be able to sway the masses that toe the party line regardless of the situation.

However, we are well aware of those souls who are dedicated to bringing about changes for the good of all, and their sincere intent will eventually bring them to the forefront. They incarnated precisely for this particular time, and their abilities and spiritual desire to bring out the best for humanity will not be wasted. They bide their time and know intuitively that it will not be long before they are called into action. Dear Ones, you are all here at this time because it is an important time in your evolution, but you are not all key players for the final run in to Ascension. Most of you are in fact here to simply be of the Light and spread that around you wherever you go. When you wonder what you can do to help, that is all you need to do and it will help lift the vibrations upon Earth. Follow your intuition and if it is your place to serve in a different capacity, then you may be sure that you will be made aware of it. Be a calming influence when others exhibit fear, and help them to share your assurance that all will be well.

Naturally when we of the Galactic Federation are officially recognized, that on its own will help raise people’s hopes. It will become clear as to why we are drawing close to you, and a great upliftment will take place when it is realized we come to bring you world peace. That of course is just the start, as we have a lot to do in respect of the preparations to cleanse the Earth. It is also going to be a busy time ensuring that each soul understands the significance of the end times. However, that is a task well within our ability, and there will be regular programs to give full details of the options open to you. We understand that your freewill is to honored and that you are sovereign Beings, and the facts will be laid before you for your information. The final choice will always be yours where your spiritual evolution is concerned.

Look beyond your present world problems as they are only temporary, and will give way to the New Age that will propel you into the higher dimensions. It is a natural form of progression, as all is ever heading towards the Source of All That Is. As you must realize by now, it is your Universe that is ascending and your Earth cannot hold back the inevitable and desired upliftment. It is divinely decreed and nothing will halt its progress except that the Creator should make a new decree. The wonders of evolution are truly amazing, although you may not be able to grasp the magnitude of what is taking place. There are great Beings of immense power involved in what is about to occur, and it is impossible to put it into words you would fully understand.

Those who are not of the Light but lean towards the dark side are in fear as they see the world falling apart, unlike you of the Light who have everything to look forward to. They are likely to drop further into the mire, seeking solace in drink and drugs. Hopefully when the truth about us and the coming Ascension is known, many can be encouraged to look to the Light for a path back to normality. They may not do enough to sufficiently raise their vibrations to ascend, but any progress made now will be of value when they start their next cycle. There is no question of any soul losing any gains made in raising their consciousness levels. As long as you are progressing, you will never be looked upon as a failure as it can be as slow or fast as you decide.

With the end times rapidly drawing so near, may souls have elected to take on all remaining karmic experiences. For many it is therefore a hectic time, particularly at a personal level. When you ascend karma will have been cleared by you or “written off” through the Law of Grace. Because you will be in a much higher vibrational level where there is balance and harmony, there is virtually nothing that will cause you to incur karma again. At that level, your thoughts and actions will naturally flow with the higher vibrations, and the lesser thought forms will have been cleared from your consciousness. It is a return to your normal state of being, as you were before dropping into the 3rd. dimension.

In fact, you are already beginning to shed those unwanted, and unnecessary thought forms as you absorb more Light, because they are not compatible. It does therefore become easier to deal with such problems, the further you travel along the Ascension path. You will start 2012 with an uplifted vibration resulting from 11.11.11, and the changes will come thick and fast thereafter. It will clearly be a most memorable year, and you will be well informed about activities in your Solar System, as we will share information with you. We keep no secrets and want you to be able to fully enjoy the occasion with us. Currently you are still kept in the dark where many matters are concerned, but that will soon change. The dark Ones are sometimes naïve and do not seem to understand that nothing can be hidden from us. If necessary we can go back in time to prove a point, as may be necessary where your history is concerned. You have truly been seriously mislead, and we will ensure you know all before you ascend.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that more of you are experiencing time speeding up, and you seem to have less time to get through your daily needs. It has its consolation, as the weeks and months are also streaming by at breakneck speed. Before you know where you are, Ascension will be in sight.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Message from SaLuSa – 01 August 2011

The door for change is opening wider and as you are beginning to realize, there cannot be a return to the old ways. It is becoming even more apparent than ever, that a civilization on the verge of Ascension must move into a new level of vibration. The Light beckons you to lift up and leave behind anything that no longer serves your purpose. It is so obvious that the old ways have failed, but not because of you as individuals as you have not held the power. It failed because the system could not sustain a money set up, which placed so much wealth in the hands of so few people. There are moves taking place that may soon enable the necessary steps to be taken that will put the situation right, and it will feature an entirely new financial system. One that is fair and just, and protects your money from unfair laws and taxes. Everything is ready to go ahead and its introduction cannot wait much longer.

In fact you are assured of having a very interesting time in the months immediately ahead. Chaos continues and because of it people look for the answers, and they are demanding action from their governments who seem incapable of responding. The reason is because they cling to old methods to mend a system that is broken and beyond repair. They have little or no idea how to cope, and the time has arrived for new governments to appear. That too is well in hand, and although you have not seen any action so far it is not far away. For some years we have little by little laid down our plans, which will grow so rapidly that you will be astonished at how quickly things will fall into place. You are very special souls who have all but done their time in duality, and you are entitled to a quantum leap forward that will lift you up into the higher vibrations. With 11.11.11 drawing so near you will realize that it is one such occasion when you shall experience a sudden upliftment.

Checking your consciousness levels we know that this year has seen a dramatic rise in them, inasmuch that it has reflected your ability to more easily handle the lower vibrations. You are much better at maintaining your focus on the Light, and in consequence are unaffected by them. In fact, you are now consciously spreading the Light, and that is helping to lift other souls up. Simply being in the presence of someone else is sufficient to make an impression upon them. Also many of the Indigo children are now old enough to bring their talents into play, and they have a very high level of wisdom to share. However, such advanced souls rarely speak of their abilities, but go about their work with hardly being noticed. Many are amongst them who have a big part to play in the immediate future, and their leadership qualities will be most welcome.

We of the Galactic Federation clearly have a big part to play in the immediate future, and now there seems to be a general acceptance of our existence. It is essential to your success, and we have the responsibility to ensure that those who desire to be part of Ascension are ready in time. There is little risk of it being otherwise, and in fact even we are in turn part of a bigger confederation that is available if necessary. Your dark Ones may harbor thoughts of stalling our progress, but quite frankly they have no idea what they are really up against. They can be stopped in their tracks in the face of our far superior technology, so there is no fear whatsoever of anything other than a victory for the Light.

We regularly meet in conclaves for meetings to discuss your position, and our plan is adjusted if required. It may have taken a long time to get to this particular point, but there is overall satisfaction with the plans to move you on. There is a lot happening just now, and the dark Ones are beginning to tire of their lack of success. Where once they felt invincible, in many ways they have been the architects of their own downfall. The so obvious plots against you such as 9/11 have showed up their arrogance, and disregard for human life. It beggars belief that they thought their lies and attempts to cover up their acts, would be swallowed by the professional people who could see through them. It only remains for a legal stance to be taken against the Illuminati to remove them from their positions of power. That will come and our allies are well ahead with their intent to take such action.

We have commenced our plan to get even more people acquainted with seeing us in your skies. That means more flyovers, and a concentration on areas where we are not seen quite so frequently. There are times now when you hardly take any notice of us at all, and that shows how familiar you are with our craft. We have become much more acceptable as friendly visitors to your Earth, and outright fear is now most unusual. Since there are campaigns to paint us evil aliens, that is quite an achievement and all credit to those of you who work to put that into balance. It is quite important for people to bear in mind that when they hear of the Greys, that they are not members of the Galactic Federation. They are on Earth at the invitation of the US who has been working with them for many years in a technology exchange.

When we arrive on Earth, it will also be by invitation because we have spoken with your President, and the need to press ahead with the Ascension plan has been understood and accepted. We will be open about our intentions, and you will know exactly what we are doing where you are concerned. In fact we shall talk to the nation so that they know why we are here, and it is plainly understood. We will get media coverage and there will be freedom of journalism to report truthfully without any censorship. In this respect you are at present, very much in the hands of the Illuminati who still control almost all news outlets. You have been fooled, lied to and as you say, led up the garden path for many, many years. You will have open government, and open reporting to restore your trust in free speech.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and delight in these opportunities to awaken you to the truth. We have as yet hardly scratched the surface, and your true history will most certainly surprise you. Bear in mind that the dark Ones have been in control of your Earth for thousands of years, gradually building towards complete control of the population and its wealth. In older cycles they did cause major destruction when whole civilizations were destroyed. That will not happen again, and that is the word of the Creator.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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