
Archive for July, 2011

YouTube: Little Boy and His Dog

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Spot the cat…

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Message from SaLuSa – 29 July 2011

For some people who are aware of the pending changes, their understanding does not embrace the idea of Ascension. That will therefore limit the extent of their experiences, but their level of consciousness can still expand. For them that is important, as they will continue their next lives at a similar level in duality. They will still have subconscious memories of the past, that will enable them to aspire to higher levels than before. When the cycles change, you do not lose the benefit of your experiences, and you will commence a new one with that advantage. Those of you who have decided upon Ascension, will go forward with full awareness of your experiences and also your consciousness levels will have substantially increased.

Your experiences on Earth were created by you, having been given freedom of choice. They bear little resemblance to life in the higher dimensions and in fact you could not have created the same level of existence, unless you experienced a quantum leap in your consciousness. It is what is happening now, and the more your individual levels increase, the more your powers of creation will also rise. Belief in your power will help when you set about self-healing, but you need to be 100% positive in your ability to do it. The Law of Attraction comes into play, and you will achieve more success if you take the positive approach that “you are healed”. Normally you take the view that you should first ask to be healed, rather than inform your body “it is healed”. Those of you who regularly state that “you are healthy, and in harmony and balance” are maintaining a fully positive approach, and as a result that is what you attract to yourself. Looking at the reverse side is it not true that some people are always telling themselves that they are ill, and consequently never seem to get better. That is not to say that they are not ill, but they are unwittingly prolonging their problems by dwelling on their illnesses, rather than the cure.

However, before the end of this cycle many opportunities will be granted for all manner of illnesses and afflictions to be healed. It will come in various types of healing, but all aligned with New Age technologies that have absolutely no side affects. As you are probably aware by now, in the higher dimensions your body will comprise of matter of a much higher vibration, that will be disease free. It is why everything around you will also be in a state of perfection, meaning that if you have imperfections now such as some form of disablement, it will have been corrected before you ascend. That is possible because even now you carry the original blueprint of your perfect body, and it can be activated. Perhaps the most welcome change will be to find that your new body will stay in its perfect condition, and you will be forever young and in your prime. Furthermore, through your individual powers, you will be able to change any of your features as you desire.

You will soon be seeing us amongst you, and will note that we are all in our prime. You will find us happy and always in a totally peaceful state. We are not prone to having moods such as humans have, and certainly do not get angry or bad tempered. We do not of course have to suffer your experiences, but even so we are always calm and peaceful. All these positive attributes will also become yours, and as the vibrations continue to increase around you, you too will change for the better and able to eliminate anything that is less.  Even between now and the end of the cycle, you will notice quite big changes within yourselves. Harmony and balance in all things is taking place, and it will continue even until after Ascension.

Regardless of what some people learn about the future, they do not want to give up their earthly enjoyments. The point is that some of them cannot be taken beyond this dimension anyway. However, they can be replaced by something that is much more satisfying, but it is for you to discover this through your own experiences. Man’s pleasures are often the very things that cause disease and distress, but some people cannot see the connection. You who are more enlightened will know of what we speak, and because you do have found no difficulty in giving them up. Your body is your temple, and it is your responsibility to look after it if it is to serve you well. Smoking and the taking of drugs are most damaging, and sometimes it is irreversible. Indeed, most pursuits of this nature are leading you onto the path of ruin.

Dear Ones, it is more important than ever that you handle your body with love and caring. Help it to lift up its vibrations by clean living and actions, and words that are also carrying the Light. What you create within will in part determine whether you are sufficiently prepared to go the whole way to Ascension. Think upon what you need to do to become a Light Being, as that is your goal and time is rapidly running away from you. If you have already overcome most of your lower vibrations, then you are well on the way to success. It shows that you have exercised your intent to cleanse yourself of what we often call your unwanted baggage. Once you know that you can do it, your strength of mind and willpower will carry you ever onwards. You will have absolutely nothing to fear.

This period of time is going to be dynamic as so much is about to happen. The dark Ones cannot keep the floodgates shut for much longer. The pressures are mounting and the hard work of our allies will soon pay off. Battles between the dark and Light are going on all over the Earth, and people are being mobilized to confront their authorities to demand an end to their rule. The deceit and lies can no longer fool the people, who have been taking back their power for quite some time. There is nothing greater for forcing change than people power, and it continues to grow day to day. Fear is having less success in keeping the people under the control of the dark Ones. They are losing their grip, and also their belief that they can truly continue to guide the world in their direction and make them bow to a World Government. That will not happen and total slavery is out of the question.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see the net closing in on those who have been responsible for your current problems. Believe us they are far more extensive than you can possibly imagine, but all will come out in due course.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

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Categories: SaLuSa from Sirius Tags:

Golfing In Heaven

Three golfers, Jesus, Moses and an old man, get to the 18th tee. It’s all tied. All three have the same score.

Jesus’ second shot goes into the water and lands on a rock. He walks on the water out to the ball and hits it within a foot of the hole.

Moses` second shot also goes into the water and sinks. He parts the water and then hits his ball within a foot of the hole.

The old man also hits his second shot into the water, but it lands on a water lilly. A frog comes out of the water and takes the ball. Just then a bird swoops down and grabs the frog and carries him, with the ball, right over the 18th hole where the frog drops the ball right into the cup.

Moses turns to Jesus and says, “You know, I really hate playing with your Dad.”

Categories: Humour Tags: ,

Message from SaLuSa – 27 July 2011

As you might realize many of the events that you have awaited, have commenced due to the work of our allies. The plan has been laid down and bit-by-bit it progresses, and every now and again you will surely see the pattern that is emerging and recognize what is happening. You will by now have connected the worsening financial conditions in the West, with the coming changes that will take advantage of it to implement a totally new set up. It has been long promised and founded by St.Germain, who has always been behind it and still is of course working for its implementation. His dedication has been constant for hundreds of years, and he has worked for your interests to ensure completion as planned. Indeed under various identities, St. Germain has been guiding you for thousands of years.

You are understandably unaware to a large part, as to how many great Masters have lead your civilization out of the darkness and directed you onto a path of Light. They have come in reply to your prayers, to be released from the thrall of wickedness and evil that has beset the world. Yet they have had to acknowledge the karma involved and allow it to work out. The path between what you call good and evil has been very narrow, but now the Light has interceded and proceeds without interference. The way is well lit and those upon it are well protected, providing they keep their guard in place. You do of course have other forms of protection, not least of all your own guides and angelic Beings. Call upon them as often as you need, as they never tire of doing good deeds for you and they give them great satisfaction.

Whatever happens there will always be some strife between people, as there are strong views held as to what the final months hold for each person. Simply allow others their point of view and do not be concerned if they challenge yours, as your powers of creation mean that more than one path leads to the final days when Ascension takes place. Even in the end times your freewill applies, and you can experience as you desire but we say follow your own beliefs. No one should be putting pressure upon another to go with them, but allow every soul to make up its own mind. If things seem unclear to you now, you can be sure that matters will be clarified so that each one of you knows what the options are.

Our presence will naturally be a strong influence, and to some extent it is necessary for you to know what your future self will be like. From where you are now to our level, is a great leap forward and you have everything to gain. Naturally you will first have to reach higher levels of consciousness, and you will know if you have succeeded in doing so. We have always informed you that the intent to ascend is the first step, but from thereon you have to live out the life that you aspire to. Service to others will take you a long way towards achieving your goal. You do not have to perform miracles, but by your example alone you will be of great help to others. See in others yourself and know that you are All One, and your tasks will become that much more easier.

Dear Ones, we have never been closer to disclosure, and it steadily comes into view. However, more facts about us than ever are entering your public arena, and our activities are becoming more known. We allow that as it is time you knew how much we do for you, and in the present times we are quite busy keeping the dark Ones in their place. We ensure that their plans only have a limited degree of success, whilst using every opportunity to turn matters into our favor. Since we know what they plan, it comes easy for us to intervene through the presence of our allies. Of course we can take direct action when necessary, and do it in a way that does not leave us being accused of interference in your affairs. You must remember that as a civilization you are on Earth to experience duality, and we must not stop you from learning through your own actions.

Your spiritual progress remains the most important issue for you, and is indeed your reason for taking on the challenge of going through duality. It has been tough and demanding, but from it you have learnt an immense number of lessons. Returning to Masterhood does not happen overnight, but that has always been your goal. Many of you are on the verge of succeeding and you will find the run in to Ascension easier for you for that reason. Each of you have agreed a life plan to take you exactly where you wish, so follow your intuitive guidance. No two are exactly the same but you will find souls who have a very similar approach. It is usually because of that reason that you are attracted to each other, and groups form that can work in harmony with each other.

We could stifle the guns of war if so required by divine instruction, and at some stage that may be necessary. Meantime, we cannot interfere into the affairs between nations, and each altercation is another challenge to seek peaceful solutions. Unfortunately, there are vested interests that benefit from wars, that have no intention of stopping them until they get what they want. Pressure from other countries is a step in the right direction, but it should be possible to introduce a peaceful solution if peace is earnestly desired. The days of taking up arms to each other are passing very rapidly, and there will be complete world peace declared in the near future. We shall then be allowed to enforce it, and all war machines and weapons will be destroyed. You clearly cannot allow the existence of such low energies if you are bringing the Light to Earth and are in the process of Ascension.

We do engage in wars, but as the Galactic Federation it is our responsibility to put a stop to them anywhere in the Universe. We do that by negotiation, and there is no situation that our diplomats cannot overcome. Where you are concerned we have offered many times to bring peace to your world, but you will already know that our offers have been rejected. This time we answer the calls for peace from your population, and respond to the Divine decree that has put in place a date from which all wars will cease.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel privileged to be part of a cosmic organization that is destined to bring peace to your beleaguered planet.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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My address is

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Categories: SaLuSa from Sirius Tags:

Battle between two wolves

An old Cherokee told his grandson… “My son, there’s a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The other is Good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth.

The grandson thought about it and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied… “The one you feed”.

Categories: Wisdom

A.N.G.E.L. Abbreviation

Categories: Uncategorized

Message from SaLuSa – 25 July 2011

SaLuSa  25-July-2011

You are such a collection of different personalities; it is no wonder that at times your confrontations end with a falling out. Clearly if you cannot get on together it is sometimes better that you stay clear of each other. However, as you work towards lifting yourself up into the Light, you might consider whether you should re-trace your footsteps and look to repair the damage that has been done. It would be better handled now, as there are not many issues that cannot be sorted out if both parties desire to overcome their differences. You cannot fully progress until you do, and in doing so it would place you another step nearer to being able to express Unconditional Love. When you can achieve success within family circles and with friends, there is no reason why you should not extend that to all souls.

As disclosure comes out there will be ever increasing revelations about the work of the dark Ones, and as in the case of 9/11 when the true perpetrators are known there will be much anger and revulsion. We would like to think that once it has been vented, that you would quickly understand that such darkness requires volumes of Light to transmute it. In which case would you find it in your hearts to recognize the Light within those souls that desperately needs to be awakened. The old ways of Man should be set aside so that revenge does not become called for, but instead rehabilitation. Bear in mind even the most hardened hearts do not completely lose their godspark, and it can always be ignited again.

Obviously Man cannot consider himself above the dark Ones, if he uses their very same methods to admonish and punish them for their deeds. The people’s responses will themselves be sufficient to let them know your feelings, and it may yet cause them to closely examine their activities against their fellow men. From the aspect of the great game of duality that is coming to an end, you may see that it could not have been played unless some souls agreed to take on the roles necessary to challenge the Light. If you can understand such set-ups you will find that it will be far easier to keep your focus on the Light. Nothing else is more important right now, as you do not want to be distracted from your plan to ascend.

It will soon as you say be “all stations go” and then you will have plenty to occupy yourselves with, and life will become a bit hectic but exciting. At first many will find it difficult to accept our presence, but we shall take it easy before thrusting ourselves upon you. We are aware of the increasing numbers of people that are now happy to see us arrive, and that brings a mass flyover of our craft so much nearer. However, for the time being that is not amongst the most important mission that we have, as the Earth must have reached a safe level for us to go ahead. There is no urgency involved, but naturally we welcome the opportunity to greet you in a way that will clearly show that we come as your friends. Eventually we shall stand shoulder to shoulder with your newly appointed leaders, and you shall know beyond doubt that the threat from the dark Ones has been removed. Then you will really see some progress as all projects go speeding ahead.

Keep preparing for Ascension and ensure that your vibrations are high at all times. That way you should fully benefit from the influx of high energies connected with 11.11.11., and from thereon the path should get decidedly easier. There will certainly be much happening to keep you lifted up, although in the ultimate situation it will really come down to you. People of a like mind will find each other and it will lead to a strengthening of their beliefs. However, as ever an open mind is always desirable, as you need to be ready to add new truths as you come across them. Rigidity of mind can create a barrier that is hard to overcome. You will have plenty to think about once we can converse with you openly, as over millennia of time you have been fed with false religious and historical beliefs, which on many key points have been absolutely incorrect. However, your conscious awareness has been lifted up since the millennia, and we find many are much more open than any previous time. Where we have the advantage is through being able to prove the truth of what we pass on to you.

Given that you have had such a hard time finding the truth about yourself and history, you have nevertheless progressed. The starting point is a belief in God whatever name you use and acceptance that God is All That Is, and is the fountain of Love and Light. Nothing can exist except that it has its existence within the energy of God, which is why you should respect all life forms. Remember that even non-sentient forms still have a level of consciousness, and like everything else deserve your love and respect. Man was meant to look after the other Kingdoms, but hitherto has treated them with disdain and lack of caring. Indeed Man has used them for his own advantage with little understanding of their needs. In future you will come to understand your true relationship, and will bond together.

At heart all Humans are loving individuals, and it is just that you have been hurt so many times and taught to see others as your potential enemies. If you accept that you are All One, why indeed would you treat others than how you would wish to be treated yourselves? Compassion will go long way towards resurrecting the Oneness that once existed between you all else. Does the criminal who has strayed from the Light deserve it, or is he/she a lost cause? We would say that you cannot discriminate when being compassionate, and that challenge will come up time and again through the rest of your life in duality. You cannot perhaps be all things to all people, but what does it cost you to show compassion which is an aspect of Unconditional Love.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for reading these messages that are intended to help you on your journey to Ascension. Do not worry if you cannot immediately rise up to the challenges of life, but as long as the intent is there you will eventually succeed. Everything that you achieve starts with thought and knowing that, it is wise to monitor them to avoid attracting something you do not really desire. Again this is hard to adhere to but do try, and if you slip up quickly move your thoughts along to something different. You will eventually succeed and of that you are assured.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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YouTube: Mike Oldfield TUBULAR BELLS III Secrets/Far above the clouds

This is one of my favourite artists. This particular video displayed below, in my opnion, is one of his best songs ever. I get goosebumps all over, especially when he starts to hit his hammer on those huge tubular bells. I find this song moving.

Watch the video and see if you get goosebumps as well 🙂

Categories: Music, YouTube Tags:

Christ Michael Aton Says It Has Started


Christ Michael Aton Says It Has Started
By Jess Anthony
Jul 24, 2011 – 8:19:53 AM

Christ Michael, I feel you want to speak. Use me to say what you wish.

Jess, let’s speak clearly and matter-of-factly. I realize that is not a word, but I want to convey the intensity and sincerity of what I am going to tell you.

The time is now for us to begin. We have postponed and delayed the final sequence until the time has run out by our calendar. I know you tend not to believe our statements of definite events happening on specific dates. You have had ten years of delays and postponements from the projected timelines we have given you. Each instance has had a reason to be changed. We have always found a better solution to resolve the situation causing the crisis. Everything from our perspective has been measured by the slow movements of galactic forces. We have allowed postponements and delays because the forces necessary to implement changes on Earth were not all in place.

The cosmic moves are all in place now. The tools we need to effect changes are in position. Your solar system operates through exchanges of energy. You may imagine the planets moving in circles and spinning around the sun, but the purpose of all that movement is to generate energy. This movement provides the energy that runs your physical form. Your planet and all the creation it houses are fuelled by the energy of the universe. Without it nothing can function. The frequency of the energy waves determines the form the embodiment takes. Ideas are energy that must be formulated, and your world is the manifestation of my idea for your incarnation. This is a laboratory to learn and experience certain aspects of creation I have designated for further developments. Earth is unique and you are especially privileged to experience its lessons.

I have said through you and various other messengers that the time is now. My role is not exactly pushing a button to begin the chain reaction. It is more personal, actually. I am my creation and I have to feel that everything is ready to allow a change to begin. This will transform me, as well, and as is the situation with Gaia, we both have to sense that everything is ready to start. The energy from Father Source is surrounding my universe, and all its elements are reacting because I am ready to receive the force of the wave.

We spoke this morning about how each person on Earth is experiencing aspects of the dual incarnation I had with Esu. I pointed out that each spirit was being housed in a physical body in much the same way. You all chose the form you would need to continue your exploration, and you determined the genetic design you would need by observing the progression of generations leading up to the production of the physical form you assumed. In my case, Esu had done the work and I chose to share the embodiment. His format was the most suitable one for me to use to effect the changes I needed to make to guide my creation back to my original intention. His purpose was my purpose, but it took the power of both our energies to make the shift necessary when we were housed in a lower dimensional form that was designed to be separate from my universal truths.

In a similar way, my universe must have the form I need to effect the changes Father Source wishes. The situation on Earth, while extreme, is not the only element being affected in my universe. I am particularly mindful of what happens here on my final bestowal planet, however, and the circumstances here must be ready in all aspects. This is why I have waited until the very last minute to say it is time.

You can look at the level of confusion and breakdown that is becoming visible. These are the initial steps of the process. The change has begun, and will only intensify as more and more energy pours in.

Esu has spoken to you of the potential of August. This is a month by your reckoning that will have a galactic configuration that is unique for our purposes. This configuration was not a random occurrence. It was planned long ago for this particular time. The planets and celestial bodies that surround you were moved into position much like pieces on a chessboard. They had to be in place to provide the levels of energy Earth was going to need to trigger all the changes that have to occur.

These energies are such that the existing configurations on Earth cannot hold.  As you know, physical forms are manifestations of the original ideas. The previous ideas and their embodiments will have to change.  Those that cannot will become erratic and fall apart. Thinking, behavior, and production will all be affected, and the break downs in established systems will be obvious and overwhelming to those who cannot adapt.

Look to your preparation and your readiness. Expect things now to happen each day until it reaches a peak.

Christ Michael Aton

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